Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What the hell...?

So I came in to work today and when tried to load up the blog... I got this beauty of a screen:

Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.
Reason: The Websense category "Sex" is filtered.

Yessss! On the other hand, they decided gameriot was no longer associated with the "Games" category and unblocked that for me. Personally, I think someone higher up with connections plays WoW and likes to keep up with his reading. It happened before with the EJ boards, they kept getting blocked and unblocked every couple of days. They've been blocked for a few months now though so I can only imagine who won that fight.

Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about idiots... err... I mean druids. Over the past 2 days our 3s rating has been crapped all over. We peaked at 2441 on Monday night and we're now sitting at just under 2200. A good 200 of those points were lost to teams with druids. Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute... druids!? Remember a couple months ago when you couldn't mention anything that associated druids with being viable in any sort of matrix without getting an angry mob of druid whiners on your case? When the class as a whole was pretty much on strike, bitching about anything and everything? Yeah, about that... take a look at your local 2v2 and 3v3 ladders. Resto druids are taking over with pretty much everything that doesn't rely on mana; warlocks, warriors, rogues... They have great burst healing capabilities, instant heals that rival those of priests, the ability to break snares/get away from the fight to drink (while half of their heals keep ticking) and on top of all that they're really mana efficient.

I realize that what I just said makes druids sound like gods and will probably make you wonder why it took people a season and a half to realize their full potential. A lot of the explenation actually makes a good amount of sense. Looking at a EU realm population chart, druids are the second least represented class next to shaman, who until a few months ago were only available for horde. They also aren't like warriors, meaning you can't really bind a third of your keyboard to MS, a third to hamstring and a third to intercept then mash your face across the keyboard for victory. Druids are up there with the harder classes to play, there's a lot to keep track of and a lot you can do to distinguish yourself from others. I won't go into how to play a druid since I really don't know. Most of my views come from playing against druids and realizing how big the difference between a good one and a mediocre one is.

Now, on top of that, factor in the fact that most druids had been resto for 2 years since it was the only remotely viable spec and many wanted change. Blizzard promised variety with a great feral tree and they delivered with TBC, where feral druids were pretty much overpowered in every possible way. We had feral druids ranking top 5 on damage meters while tanking in bear form and taking less damage than prot warriors. What kinda idiot would even consider staying resto under those conditions? Naturally, most wanted to go feral and those that didn't were pressured by a guild that was in need of a tank. So instead of respeccing weekly and building 2 sets of gear, they figured feral would be the pvp spec to be and they started working on their respective arena sets.

Now that we're deep into season 2, those that picked feral over resto have had the chance to re-gear and get used to playing healers again and they're really tearing it up. We played a lot of games against two of the best druids on the battlegroup and their 3v3 teams over the past few nights and I want to give credit where it's due. Mounsif, who is in my opinion the best druid on bg5 and Brahz, who is a pretty close (or maybe distant :P) second are harder to play against than any other healer, including other druids, for our setup. I'll probably go in-depth about our wins, losses and what we learned from them at some point after this weekend's WSVG.

Other than that I changed the banner up a bit, thought the default one was pretty boring. In case you were wondering, yes, that is a picture and yes, I did use a picture of myself to make it so that is more or less what I would look like in a simpson style world.

Update: I missed one thing that I was planning on talking about. Innervate, fuck that spell. They need to make a tree pop up outta the ground everytime a druid uses innervate or something. Its not hard for them to run out of LoS before they use it... Making it so hard to tell when they actually do use it is straight up annoying. They added a giant wave on mana tide totems and they're adding massive wierd looking halo type things on the important pally blessings, there's really no reason for innervate to be so low key.


Todor said...

"you can't really bind a third of your keyboard to MS, a third to hamstring and a third to intercept then mash your face across the keyboard for victory"

wow, plagiator :p

Anonymous said...

enjoy your blog very much
pls remember to break down the druid strats after wsvg ;)

eKS said...


I dunno where that's from or I'd give credit haha, we just bitch about it on vent almost every day and thats what it sounds like. :P

Todor said...

Nah, I just got (very) bored yesterday and wrote something quite similar to that

Don't kill me for posting there! I am not really blogging, I promise =p

Anonymous said...

omg.. nice... Ming still crying that warrior is overpowered cuz rogue vs warrior is crap

warriors say that mage is overpowered..

u r crying that druids are overpowered..

Think about it.

Anonymous said...

gl eks in Toronto! Keep us updated.

P.S. mounsif sucks

Ultramerican said...

Would you recommend holy as a fun class to play in PvP? Since most pvp taking place in this era of WoW is in BGs or arena, I ask this assuming you have teammates and are playing the power support role.

I'm a rogue (like you said you started as) and have an urge to try out the holy priest power-support role. I'm guessing you give the class a thumbs up for people looking to be more viable in group pvp?

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting propably the most important reason why druids have only recently become good. Druid efficiency scales incredibly well with +healing(more so than any other class)thanks to lifebloom and is at the same time quite fragile. Lifebloom has insane efficiency as long as it lasts its full duration should you however have to start stacking it and adding in rejuvenations and/or regrowths that efficienly goes down the drain. So naturally large amounts of +healing and resilience or other forms of surviveability (think platearmor or SL :P) is must-haves for resto druid teams.

Anonymous said...


Oh and GL with toronto.

Anonymous said...

@ Someone, I never said druids are overpowered. They're a solid class that's not in as bad shape as people thought a month ago.

Warriors are overpowered. Rage gen needs a nerf as well as intercept cooldown. Give them something that helps them survive better if you feel they need that, but the damage they put out is borderline stupid.

Warlocks need an 8s CD on drains and they should also be affected by -healing debuffs.

It really is me, I'm just too lazy to sign in.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the breakdown still :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...


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