Saturday, August 25, 2007

WSVG Toronto Day 1

I got home from WSVG like 45 mins ago (its just past midnight now) and I gotta head back tomorrow morning so I really don't have too much time or patience to write a long entry tonight. If I get home at a decent hour tomorrow I'll be sure to put a little more effort.

Basically, just to give you an update:

Day 1 was a lot of fun, most of the players we talked to were straight, the WSVG WoW reps were understanding and it really seemed as if everyone was there to have a good time. As you've prolly already read on Ming's blog, Chook was stuck as an elf and was given a default boar pet. We did have a decent amount of time to set up so we spent most of that taming and then attempting to level a scorpid pet to 70 (which failed miserably when we all got bored at about 1/3rd into 69). He did have a 69 sorpid ready for match though, not that it made any difference since they had no poison cleanses.

Anyway, our first game (the only one that really matters) was against SK Gaming, who flew all the way from Sweeden to attend this as they have for the other WSVGs. They ran the "golden trinity" mage/rogue/priest comp and we went in with our standard priest/hunter/mage. This is a matchup we generally don't have too much trouble with and we really weren't too worried going into the games. We got caugh off guard the first game when I got polied early and thought Fugie would be ok if I didn't trinket but he really got torn apart fast and with a quick mass dispel from their priest he dropped early. The second and third games we took control of the match, played it at our pace and eventually dropped the mage. The third was a repeat of the first, a CS on me followed by some miscommunication and a good burst on their part left our mage dead. The fifth and last game is one we really should have won, we had them all out of mana and the mage was running around at 30-40% life for a long time but we just couldn't finish him. They did an amazing job of playing defensively, between snaring our hunter and abusing LoS we just couldn't finish it and eventually their rogue's infinite energy pool caught up to us and we eventually lost fugie and the series.

Ultimately, the reason we lost wasn't because Hamchook was a night elf and had a level 69 pet. It was the fact we were an inexperienced team going against one that's been to every event to date. I didn't think I'd be nervous beforehand since I'm normally pretty relaxed, but when the matches actually started and I realized it was harder than I thought it would be, the nerves really kicked in. It was our first time playing at a large event like this and it really is a significant change from playing in the comfort of your own room.

Props to SK though, they played a great 5 games and I wish them luck in the rest of the tournament. From what I saw, we had the closest and most entertaining series of the day and that was confirmed by a few of the WSVG guys that said our game shoulda been on the main stage. Although the PinkTabard guys (woo bg5) put up a good fight against Zecks & company. Even though they ended up losing 3-1, the score doesn't really show how close each game was, especially the last.

After our first round loss we got dropped to the loser's bracket where we won our second game 3-0 against a warrior/mage/pally team so we're not out of it yet. It sucks to drop down so early but there's really nothing you can do other than get up and keep going and thats what we plan on doing.

Until tomorrow.

Note: I didn't really read this over properly so don't hate if something sounds retarded.


Anonymous said...

So SK getting decimated at the last WSVG event someone equals being at all 4 events?

Too bad you couldn't dodge them.

eKS said...

sup xarrio

Anonymous said...

petko loves dick

rycho said...

good luck today :)

Todor said...


Anonymous said...

I saw in the brackets you guys did incredibly today! I'll be cheering for you tomorrw!

Anonymous said...

It's fucking clownboat, your hero, I know you love clownboat.

Anonymous said...

wtb post with your recollection of today's matches. ;x

nice reads btw

Anonymous said...

Hey Sup Eks, im some random hunter from vengeance XD, I'm a big fan of you and Hamchook. Loving your blog aye is awesome, keep it up love reading this lol. Good Luck with toronto i really hope you guys be the first to take a trophy of the pandemics. Noticed that you are into drawing, you study animation or something?

eKS said...

I didn't draw the banner, its an image made with I do some photoshop stuff at work from time to time but I'm not really big into drawing and graphics.